Working together
The Art for Public Good, is led by its founder, Carolina Aragón, associate professor of landscape architecture at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.
Since 2010, Carolina has worked with fellow academics, colleagues, and her students to create art installations and youth engagement projects that have focused on bringing awareness to our built environment. We have collaborated with non-profits, civic and educational institutions to create publicly accessible art projects that bring moments of beauty, wonder, and joy, while raising critical issues affecting our communities.
Some of our funders and collaborators include:
Barr Foundation
Boston Art Commission
Boston Foundation for Architecture
Boston Planning & Development Agency
Boston Public Libraries
Boston Society of Landscape Architects
Cambridge Arts Council
Cambridge Public Schools
City of Boston Department of Environment
Cooler Communities
Duggan Academy
EC3 (Environmental Chelsea Creek Crew)
Ener-g-Save/ Cooler Communities
Excel Academy - East Boston, MA
Friends of the Mary Ellen Welch Greenway
Fort Point Arts Community
Fort Point Neighborhood Association
Harvard Chan School of Public Health
Holyoke Public Library
Mystic River Watershed Association
National Park Service - New England Trail
New England Foundation for the Arts
Smith College
Springfield Science Museum
The Chelsea Artists' Collaborative
The Trustees of Reservations Waterfront Ambassadors
Pioneer Valley Transit Authority
University of Massachusetts Amherst
UMass Amherst, Department of Landscape Architecture & Regional Planning
UMass Boston School for the Environment
UMass Boston Sustainable Solutions Lab
Woods Hole Group