Carolina Aragón

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

  • Brynya Ablamsky


    Bryn Ablamsky is an interdisciplinary designer affecting positive change on communities and environments by uniting style + culture with form + function. A curious observer of the human condition and perpetual learner by nature, her 20 years of practice include graphic design, workplace strategy, residential architecture, design studio instruction, and multi-media storytelling.

  • Jane Buxton More Info

    Jane holds an MLA from the University of Michigan and a PhD in Regional Planning from UMass Amherst. She is an Assistant Teaching Professor in the Landscape Architecture Department at the University of Rhode Island.

    The underlying themes of her work have been rooted in understanding people-place relationships including climate change communication; equitable, sustainable and resilient environments; community-based greening; and place attachment. She is particularly interested in supporting the uptake of understanding and action by communities who may be most impacted by consequences but historically removed from decision making.

  • Matt Conti

    Photographing the climate-related public art projects, headed by Carolina Aragón, is a privilege and purposeful extension of his Boston-area work. He came to photography as a creative outlet while pursuing careers in engineering and investing. Documenting climate change in Boston continues to be an ongoing project for Matt, from Sandy, nor’easters to bomb cyclones, the effects of sea level rise are in full display (link to SLR images). Showing Aragón’s beautiful art embedded in the field acts as a beacon for the public. (Link to Aragón projects ). All of Matt’s photography interests can be found at

  • Nigel Cummings

    Nigel Cummings is an artist and landscape designer living in Providence, RI, and working in Boston, MA, at Brown, Richardson + Rowe. Throughout his time working on his Master of Landscape Architecture at UMass Amherst, he was part of the team for High Tide, Rising Emotions, FutureShoreline, Afterglow, and From Above and Below. These experiences have reinforced his passion for public art and engagement as mediums for drawing attention to climate resiliency strategies, spatial equity, and environmental justice. Working solely for the public, his work is informed by his daily practice, past experiences, and desire to improve the quality of and our connection to the landscape. His work with Art for Public Good reminds him to view public space as one giant material exploration project, to embrace the unseen, the unknown, and the uncertain, and to treat design as one perpetual materials exploration project that beckons us to break the rules every now and then.

  • Claudia LaFountaine @claudiablafont

    Claudia LaFontaine (she/they) is a designer and artist with a background in architecture and is now working in the urban planning field. In her planning work, Claudia works to engage communities creatively and helps implement transformative placemaking projects. She is skilled at project installation and problem solving. Claudia has worked with Carolina Aragón since 2019, helping bring RisingEMOTIONS and FutureSHORELINE from concept to completion. She has also assisted Carolina in hosting workshops for teenagers to create their own climate art projects.

  • Ezra Markowitz

    Ezra is a professor of environmental decision-making in the Department of Environmental Conservation at UMass Amherst. His work focuses on the intersection of decision-making, persuasive communication, public engagement with science, and environmental sustainability, with a long-running interest in issues of intergenerational environmental stewardship and justice. He is really excited to work on solutions-oriented projects that bring together interdisciplinary teams of researchers and practitioners of all sorts and disciplines. Ezra have worked closely with non-profit organizations, professional associations, governmental agencies and various cross-sector entities to synthesize and translate knowledge from across the social and environmental sciences to promote more effective and inclusive on-the-ground efforts on pressing issues, from climate change to fisheries and habitat conservation to misinformation about science. In recent years, he have served as an author on the Social Systems and Justice chapter of the USGCRP’s 5th National Climate Assessment, as a member of the National Academy of Sciences’ Misinformation about Science consensus study committee, and as an advisor to the climate change non-profit DearTomorrow; Ezra is also a member of the Board of Directors at the Hitchcock Center for the Environment, based in Amherst, MA.

  • Camilla Novo

    Camilla Novo is a landscape designer and military trained photographer, living in Western Mass. She became involved in the FutureShoreline project while completing her Landscape Architecture Degree at UMass Amherst and attending courses taught by Carolina Aragón’. Her experience running a dynamic small business in the Boston area has led her to be part of Art 4 Public Goods start up crew, consulting on website development, project advancement and administrative tasks. Being part of a collective that cares about the environment and communities, that uses creativity to bring awareness and create change resonates with her personal values and professional goals.

Meet the Team